Do I have a named contact at ATTIRE?

All customer accounts are allocated a named Account Manager.

Your Account Manager is your main contact at ATTIRE. They will manage all aspects of your account, including but not limited to regular reports/updates, contracts/contract renewals, wardrobe management/refreshes, product forecasting and much more. 

If you are unsure who your Account Manager is, please email and we will confirm.

You may also receive communications from our administrations team, who report directly to your Account Manager. The administration team is responsible for processing your orders and providing order and delivery updates.

What happens when they are out of office?

All of our Customer Support Team are able to help with customer enquiries, so if your usual Account Manager is absent from the office for any reason, another member of the team will be pleased to assist you. Your email/call will be automatically forwarded to the team member who is managing your account in the interim.