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What are ATTIRE's installation services?

We can send out a team of professionals to handle your entire uniform rollout, ensuring that your staff are fitted correctly and dressed in accordance with your corporate guidelines

When you are making an investment of any kind, you want to be certain that you are getting the best level of service and product possible, whilst ensuring that your investment will give you the best possible return. This is no different when investing in your wearers uniforms.

Ensuring that they fit perfectly, will not only ascertain that all of your wearers are dressed to perfection, it will also ensure longevity of the garment lifespan. When garments are ill fitted, they will stretch and tear along seam lines, weakening the fabric and structure of the entire garment. Eventually, the garment will end before it’s intended life span, costing your business money, time and effort to replace.  

By utilising ATTIRE’s installation services, each of your wearers will experience our personalised, one to one, made to measure process, ensuring all elements of their uniform programme are fitted to perfection, tailored to their individual body shape. This can be done on location, with our team of seamstresses and machinery, or alternatively, prepared within our manufacturing and distribution centre, professionally packaged and returned to each wearer.

Additionally, we are on hand to build, rack and fill your in-house or onboard inventory store rooms, with continuous management of your inventory requirements.

Should you not require the full installation experience, we advocate the provision of fit lines for our clients, allowing each of your wearers to “try on for size” prior to placing their order, ultimately removing the time, cost and effort of receiving, returning and replacing incorrectly sized garments.